One Ichthyosaur Coming Up!

Part of the spine and the boney eye of a 187 million yr. old Ichthyosaur - Excavated by Mary Anning, 1811 - Lyme Regis, Dorset. Exibit: Natural History Museum, London.
And, if you don't want to get as I did double pneumonia and a slipped disc from finding fossils for yourself,  then you can comfortably source your own from the Ukfossils site.  

Tongue Twister for MARY ANNING

'She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore,
The shells that she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure
For if she sells sea shells on the sea-shore
Then I'm sure the shells that she sells
Are surely the shells that she found shallowly on the sea-shore.'

                                     Terrance Sullivan, 1908